February 21, 2018
Meeting was called to order by President Walt Waetjen at 7:05 pm at the West Geauga High School library.
Roll call was taken by clerk, Monica Gromek.
Board members present:
Walt Waetjen | Linda Palchick | Rick Izant | Mick Benitez-Santana | |
Ed Curtis | John Gromek |
Jason Abate was also present.
The minutes for the: January 2017 meeting were presented.
Ed Curtis motioned to accept the minutes.
John Gromek seconded. Vote was taken:
West G. Comm. Trustee | VOTE: |
Yay/nay | |
Curtis, Ed | Yes |
Drockton, Don | |
Formicelli, Frank | |
Gromek, John | Yes |
Izant, Rick | Yes |
Mandel, Bernard | |
Palchick, Linda | Yes |
Santana, Mick Benitez | Yes |
Waetjen, Walt | Yes |
All in favor, motion carried.
The Treasurer’s report for January 2018 was distributed by treasurer, Ed Curtis. The January treasurer’s report showed: Ending checking balance: $12,756.93; Total disbursements: $476.00; Total deposits: $1.21; Unencumbered funds: $39,458.76; Encumbered funds: $0.
John Gromek motioned to accept the treasurer’s report; Linda Palchick seconded. Vote was taken:
West G. Comm. Trustee | VOTE: |
Yay/nay | |
Curtis, Ed | Yes |
Drockton, Don | |
Formicelli, Frank | |
Gromek, John | Yes |
Izant, Rick | Yes |
Mandel, Bernard | |
Palchick, Linda | Yes |
Santana, Mick Benitez | Yes |
Waetjen, Walt | Yes |
All in favor, motion carried.
Linda Palchick motioned to pay the following bills:
Monica Gromek | February 2018 minutes | $25.00 |
Abate Landscaping | Snowplowing 4 x $75.00 | $300.00 |
Rick Izant seconded. Vote was taken:
West G. Comm. Trustee | VOTE: |
Yay/nay | |
Curtis, Ed | Yes |
Drockton, Don | |
Formicelli, Frank | |
Gromek, John | Yes |
Izant, Rick | Yes |
Mandel, Bernard | |
Palchick, Linda | Yes |
Santana, Mick Benitez | Yes |
Waetjen, Walt | Yes |
All in favor, motion carried.
Rick Izant motioned to encumber $750.00 to extend the split rail fence at the volley ball court 80 ft. John Gromek seconded. Vote was taken:
West G. Comm. Trustee | VOTE: |
Yay/nay | |
Curtis, Ed | Yes |
Drockton, Don | |
Formicelli, Frank | |
Gromek, John | Yes |
Izant, Rick | Yes |
Mandel, Bernard | |
Palchick, Linda | Yes |
Santana, Mick Benitez | Yes |
Waetjen, Walt | Yes |
All in favor, motion carried.
Facilities – Linda Palchick
Linda will invite the groups using our fields, to our March board meeting at 7:30 p. m.
Maintenance – John Gromek and Jason Abate
Board discussed spring fertilization of the fields. Jason Abate stated he is taking the test March 12 for pesticide license and if he passes, he will do the fertilization at the park.
Board members terms expiring in April 2018 are Don Drockton, Ed Curtis and John Gromek. They should submit a letter to their appointee group, if they are interested in reappointment.
Our guest at this meeting was Jason Huckaba from Alt Media, our web page provider. Walt Waetjen introduced board members John Gromek and Mick Benitez-Santana spearheading our webpage committee. Walt said we have had our web page for over 10 years and it sat dormant the 1st few years. Question was where we go from here. We paid $890.40 for the last upgrade in 2015. Jason said included in our upgrade is a website redesign every 2 years. Walt asked if we can tie in our phones to the site, in regards to posting closing of the fields if they are not playable. Presently Jason said we are not formatted for phone access.
We can email changes to Alt Media as we get 30 minutes of work per month. We asked Jason what we can do now. He said events can be posted on the calendar; email marketing; publish a newsletter once a month. We can create email lists of the coaches. Jason recommends us to do update once a month. We can post pictures and the monthly meeting minutes. Game schedules can be posted after Linda Palchick approves the applications.
$795.00 cost now to upgrade the webpage. A proposal was given to the Board.
John Gromek motioned to encumber $795.00 to upgrade the website. Mick Benitez-Santana seconded. Vote was taken:
West G. Comm. Trustee | VOTE: |
Yay/nay | |
Curtis, Ed | Yes |
Drockton, Don | |
Formicelli, Frank | |
Gromek, John | Yes |
Izant, Rick | Yes |
Mandel, Bernard | |
Palchick, Linda | Yes |
Santana, Mick Benitez | Yes |
Waetjen, Walt | Yes |
All in favor, motion carried.
John Gromek and Mick Benitez Santana will attend 1 ½ to 2 hours of training at the Alt Media office in Lyndhurst on Sunday March 4. Work will be done with the webpage designers.
Linda Palchick said that our Board is invited to the Eagle Scout ceremony for Xavier Zup at the end of April 2018 at The Rookery.
Ed Curtis motioned for meeting adjournment at 8:10 pm. Rick Izant seconded. Vote was taken:
West G. Comm. Trustee | VOTE: |
Yay/nay | |
Curtis, Ed | Yes |
Drockton, Don | |
Formicelli, Frank | |
Gromek, John | Yes |
Izant, Rick | Yes |
Mandel, Bernard | |
Palchick, Linda | Yes |
Santana, Mick Benitez | Yes |
Waetjen, Walt | Yes |
All in favor, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
_______________________ __________________________
Monica Gromek, Clerk Walt Waetjen, Chairperson