
The formal name of this organization is the West Geauga Community Joint Recreation District (hereinafter referred to as "District").   Appointed members of the District shall be referred to as “Trustees”.



The District shall meet on a regular basis at least once a month at a time and place to be selected by the Chairman.  Special meetings of the District may be called or announced by the Chairman or Vice-Chairman or by any two Trustees and the purpose of such special meeting must be stated. All meetings shall be called and conducted in accordance with applicable laws regarding the conduct of meetings of public officials.



A majority of the Trustees must be present at a regular or special meeting to constitute a quorum for the conduct of business. All actions by the District, except amendments of these Bylaws, removal from office, and votes on major capital improvements, shall be by majority vote. Trustees may register their vote on any issue by written proxy, duly signed and dated.




The officers shall be a Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary, and Fiscal Officer. All officers with the exception of the Fiscal 0fficer must be Trustees at the time of election to office.  They shall take office on the first regular meeting following election and shall remain in office, except for resignation, death, or removal, for a period of one year on until a successor has been duly elected.  Any officer may be removed from office without cause, by a two-thirds vote of all Trustees.



Election of Officers

Election of Officer shall take place in the month of May of each year at the regular or special meeting in May.  There shall be an election of a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Secretary.  The Fiscal Officer shall also be elected at this time, if one of the Trustees is to serve as the Fiscal Officer.



Duties of 0fficers

  1. Chairman. The Chairman shall preside at all regular or special meetings of the District, shall prepare an agenda for the orderly disposition of business at all regular meetings and shall have such other powers and duties as may be prescribed by the District.
  2. Vice-Chairman. The Vice-Chairman, in the absence of the Chairman, shall perform all of the duties of the Chairman. In addition, the Vice-Chairman shall have such powers and duties as may be prescribed by the District or as may be delegated to that person by the Chairman.
  3. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings, shall arrange for proper notification and publication of all regular and special meetings of the District and shall handle all correspondence for and on behalf of the District.
  4. Fiscal 0fficer. The Fiscal 0fficer shall be responsible for the collection and disbursement of all funds of the District, for the maintenance of books of account and submission of written reports to the District, all in accordance with accepted accounting principles. He shall serve as Chairman of the Finance Committee. This officer shall make, co-sign and endorse in the name of the District all checks, drafts, notes and other orders for the payment of money and shall pay out and dispose of such under the direction of the District. He shall deposit all funds in the name of the District in such banks and other depositories as the District may direct. He shall render an account to the District at each regular meeting of all transactions and shall arrange to be prepared and certified a financial statement at least once a year. The Fiscal 0fficer shall be bonded at the expense of the District.



Order of Business

The following order of business shall be observed at all regular and special meetings of the District:

  • Call to order.
  • Roll call.
  • Reading and approval of minutes of last meeting.
  • Financial Report.
  • Reading of correspondence.
  • Reports of officers.
  • Reports of standing committees and ad hoc committees.
  • Old business.
  • New Business.

The presiding officer may alter this order of business in the interest of courtesy and consideration of the residents and visitors. All meetings shall be conducted in conformity with Roberts Rules of Order.




If any Trustee moves out of the geographical area encompassed by the District or gives written notice to the Trustees and the appointing Board that he or she is otherwise unable or unwilling to complete his or her term as a Trustee, the District will request the respective township trustees or Board of Education to appoint another person to fulfill the uncompleted portion of the term.




  1. Standing Committees. The administration of the District shall be delegated to the following standing committees:
  • Finance Committee.
  • Program Committee.
  • Facilities Committee.
  1. Ad Hoc Committees. The District shall have the authority from time to time to appoint or create one or more ad hoc committees having duties and responsibilities and members as defined by the District.

Immediately following the election of officers, the new Chairman of the District shall make appointments to the standing committees.



Responsibilities of Standing Committees

  1. Finance Committee. The Finance Committee shall make sure that the finances of the District are balanced and in order. This committee shall be chaired by the Fiscal Officer. It shall be responsible for submitting an annual budget to the Trustees sufficiently in advance of statutory deadlines to permit the District to carry out its operating programs and capital programs without impairment. In addition, this committee shall make recommendations to the Trustees from time to time concerning compensation of employees hired by or under the supervision of the District.

This committee shall oversee the collection and disbursement of all funds received or controlled by the District. It shall submit a written report, on an annual basis, to the Board of Trustees of Chester Township and Russell Township, to the West Geauga Board of Education, and to such other Boards of Audit of the county and state in conformity with the existing law.

  1. Program Committee. This committee shall be responsible for establishing and maintaining a master plan for the future growth of recreational and other leisure-time facilities and activities of the residents living within the District. It shall coordinate these activities with other Boards of similar scope and authority and with commissions and other groups within the county and state.
  2. Facilities Committee. This committee shall be responsible for the design, construction and maintenance of physical facilities within and outside of the District designed and intended for use by residents of the District. Along with the Finance Committee, it shall be responsible for obtaining financing, through levies, bonds, and other sources, for the construction, maintenance, and operation of said facilities.



These Bylaws may be amended at any regular or special meeting, duly called, by a two-thirds majority of the members present provided that the proposed amendment has been read at one previous meeting held not more than sixty days prior to the date of the meeting at which the vote is cast.  Amendments may be proposed by the Chairman or by petition signed by any two Trustees.





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