History of The Commons

Updated 2024

The land where the present site for "The Commons" is located was originally purchase by Geauga County Commissioners with plans to build a sewage disposal plant there. This idea was abandoned and the land remained unused. There remained a small old dilapidated house which was occupied by a man who kept a lion as a "pet" as the only use of the land. 

April 1976

Ohio House Bill 711 was passed that provided the authority to unincorporated areas to organize joint community recreation areas. They were not granted any financial authority to purchase or lease land or levy taxes. Bill 111 changed this by making joint recreation boards a political subdivision with taxing authority. 


A local recreation board was organized under the auspices of Chester Township and the West Geauga Board of Education (Russell Township at the time refused to participate). The participation of Russell was again revisited, but it was not until a last minute deal on December 31, 1977 when a lease (contract) was signed with the three communities joining forces. The purpose of the District was the coordination of recreation as to provide continuing recreation to meet the needs of all age groups of the West Geauga community residents. The initial division was 40 acres to Russell Township, 37 acres to West Geauga Community Joint Recreation District and 3 acres to Russell Historical Society to maintain the former "lion's" house as a museum.


Installed a children's playground adjacent to the Pavilion.Geauga County Commissioners terminated the lease agreement with Russell Township Trustees on the 80 acres on Rt. 306 in Russell on a legal opinion since Russell had by-passed the West G. Board giving the Russell Raiders permission to build a soccer field on West Geauga Board's 40 acres. The Commissioners were concerned of future disharmony between the West Geauga Commons Board and Russell Township therefore they entered into a direct contract (lease) with the West Geauga Community Joint Recreation District Board. 


Board officials applied to ODNR for a matching grant to develop the Commons Park. 

August 1984 

"The Great Rake Event" was held at the newly created fields at the Commons. Volunteers raked, seeded and covered the newly planted grass with straw on the Phase I athletic fields.


Under the leadership of the Board and community volunteers, Phase I, which included an access road, parking lot, 2 soccer fields for ages 13-15+ adults were developed. The Board was awarded two community grants for beautification + maintenance of the park from the West Geauga Recreation Council, Kiwanis, Cub Scout Park #104 and both the Chester and Russell Garden Clubs.  

April 1987
The official ground breaking for the West Geauga Commons was held on April 11, 1987 with Chester Township & Russell Township trustees, Geauga County Commissioners, West Geauga Community Joint Recreation District chairman (Pat Jasko) and members + site engineer and construction site company representative. 

The West Geauga Community Joint Recreation District was awarded an ODNR Land & Water Matching Grand in the amount of $150,000 for the Phase II development of the park. This included a baseball field, jogging trail, maintenance service shed, outdoor restrooms and a pavilion.



Phase II completed, which included the much anticipated 28' x 64' picnic shelter. 


Developed 3 regulation sand volleyball courts with an umpire's chair for each field. 


Installed a children's playground adjacent to the Pavilion. It has a soft sand base with three slides on the main playground equipment structure. There is also a tunnel tire type swing, a rocking plank bridge and two types of monkey bars. Adjacent to the main structure there is an old fashioned merry-go-round. 


Installed a regulation basketball court with an asphalt surface, goals on each end and free throw lines permanently painted on the playing surface. 


Built a sports equipment shed near the baseball field. 


Completed a major erosion control project. 



Completed a regulation junior (youth) soccer field to accommodate ages 10 through 12. 


The Board completed updating our previous restroom facilities + building new facilities after receiving an ODNR Natures Works grant. 


The original "West Geauga Commons" sign at the park entrance was replaced + a new sign. With our address (14070) was made by Xavier Zup as part of his Eagle Scout project. 



Re-furbished playground equipment


West Geauga Commons was the winner of the "Big Tree Contest" for having the largest Sycamore tree in the county - 115 feet high, crown spread of 101 feet and circumference of 14 feet 5 1/2 inches. 



Replaced the roof on the pavilion and added gutters to help with water diversion. 

"Merry-go-round" was replaced on the playground. 


Damaged three identification markers were replaced + additional ones were placed by Ryan McGinnis as part of his Eagle Scout project. 



Dedicated the pavilion to "Patricia Jasko" for her years of leadership and service to the youth of our community and her endless energy directed to the improvement of the West Geauga Community Joint Recreation District park. 

Dedicated benches in our new "Memorial Garden" to Walter (Walt) Waetjen and Bernard (Bernie) Mandel for their years of leadership and dedication to the mission of the West Geauga Community Joint Recreation District. 

The information sign board was replaced by Megan McGinnis as part of her Girl Scout Gold Award Project. 


Asphalt was added to the "walking trail" to help visitors of all ages and their "four legged furry friends" safely enjoy their walk. 



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