October 10, 2018     

Meeting was called to order by Vice President Bernie Mandel at 7:02 pm at the library of West Geauga High School.  Roll call was taken by clerk, Monica Gromek.  Board members present:  Ed Curtis, Frank Formicelli, John Gromek, Rick Izant, Bernie Mandel, Linda Palchick, Greg Poe.  Jason Abate also in attendance. 

The minutes for the: September 2018 meeting were presented.  John Gromek motioned to accept the minutes.  Rick Izant seconded.  Vote was taken:  Ed, yes; Frank, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Bernie, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; All in favor, motion carried. 

The Treasurer’s report for September 2018 was distributed by treasurer, Ed Curtis.  The September treasurer’s report showed:  Ending checking balance: $7,030.30; Total disbursements: $6,446.94; Total deposits: $12.20; Encumbered funds: $190.00; Unencumbered funds: $24,549.88.  Linda Palchick motioned to accept the treasurer’s report; Rick Izant seconded.  Vote was taken:  Ed, yes; Frank, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Bernie, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; All in favor, motion carried. 

Playground donations received: Chester Township $5,000; West Geauga School Board $5,000; Russell Township’s donation to come in 2 weeks.

Facilities – Linda Palchick                                                                                                         

Youth games from Soccer Club continue until October 28.

Recreation Council Soccer tournament on October 20.

Maintenance – John Gromek and Jason Abate                                                                             

A ’path’ meeting was held Thursday, October 4 with Donnelly’s (civil engineer) and Walt Waetjen and Edu Curtis.  Recommendation is not to pave the path.  Fabric could be placed on the path’s lower part to build it up, then apply grindings.  John Gromek stated that coarse aggregate was placed a few years ago in that area; the water rushes it away.  Should drain tile be placed between 2 hills in that area; discussion will be held.  This project will possibly be done in 2020.  John said the trails are in good shape.  Rails are broken in the back of the soccer field.  Some posts are leaning.   Jason Abate will repair.  What should be done with the baseball diamond?  Buy a tarp to cover the field over the winter?  One more fertilizer application will be done this year.

New Business                                                                                                                               

Service hours are needed by a Middle School student.  Can these be done at the upcoming Soccer Tournament.  Approval is needed from the Middle School.

The Board decided to close the upper soccer field in 2019 to give it a rest.  The lower soccer field will be used.  A ditch was dug to get the water away; along the path at the north end of the field.  This situation will be evaluated in April 2019 to see if the spring is wet.  Linda Palchick will notify the Soccer leagues that the lower field will be used in 2019. 

Mick Benitez-Santana motioned for meeting adjournment at 7:24 pm.  Ed Curtis seconded.  Vote was taken:  Ed, yes; Frank, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Bernie, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; All in favor, motion carried. 

Respectfully submitted,


_________________________             ___________________________

Monica Gromek, Clerk                               Bernie Mandel, Vice-President

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