February 13, 2019

President Walt Waetjen called the meeting to order at 7:05 pm at West Geauga High School Library. Board members present: Ed Curtis, John Gromek, Rick Izant, Bernie Mandel, Linda Palchick, Greg Poe and Walt Waetjen. Jason Abate also present.

The minutes for the: January 2019 meeting were presented. Ed Curtis motioned to accept the minutes. Bernie Mandel seconded. Vote was taken: Ed, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Bernie, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Walt, yes. All in favor, motion carried.

The Treasurer’s report for January 2019 was distributed by treasurer, Ed Curtis. The January treasurer’s report showed: Ending checking balance: $12,831.87; Total disbursements: $26.00; Total deposits: $0; Encumbered funds: $0; Unencumbered funds: $40,545.91. Rick Izant motioned to accept the treasurer’s report; John Gromek seconded. Vote was taken: Ed, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Bernie, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Walt, yes. All in favor, motion carried.

John Gromek motioned to pay the following bills: Chagrin Valley Times Legal Notice $ 42.38 Monica Gromek February 2019 minutes $ 25.00 Abate Landscaping 2 snowplows @ 75.00 ea. $150.00 (1/20/19 and 1/27/19)

Rick Izant seconded the motion. Vote was taken: Ed, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Bernie, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Walt, yes. All in favor, motion carried.

Ed Curtis distributed a certified letter that was sent to the State 1/12/19 and a copy of the appropriation resolution.

Facilities – Linda Palchick No report


Maintenance – John Gromek and Jason Abate Jason did pipe work at the upper field, and put a yard of grindings on the path. Rick Izant motioned to encumber $300.00 for the pipe installation and grindings to Abate Landscaping. Vote was taken: Ed, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Bernie, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Walt, yes. All in favor, motion carried.

There was flooding this month in the baseball infield.

Rick Izant brought sand samples for the playground. Jason Abate will compare the samples with the present sand on site. Rick will ask Kiwanis for help to spread the sand in the spring.

Board discussion on sport practices on our field. The board maintains NNO PRACTICE GAMES are permitted at the Commons.

April 2019 Board reappointments are: Mick Benitez-Santana, Frank Formicelli, and Rick Izant.

There will be a Board Meeting on March 6, 2019 to open the submitted bids on maintenance of The Commons. Bids are due by 5pm on March 5th. Next regular monthly board meeting will be March 13, awarding the bid. At 7:30 pm 3/1/3/19, the sports organizations using our fields will attend this meeting.

Ed Curtis motioned for meeting adjournment at 7:40 pm. John Gromek seconded. Vote was taken: Ed, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Bernie, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Walt, yes. All in favor, motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,


_________________________ ____________________________

Monica Gromek, clerk                 Walt Waetjen, Chairperson

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