Regular Meeting Minutes

May 8, 2019

President Walt Waetjen called the meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. at the West Geauga Commons Pavilion.  Board members present:  Mick Benitez, Ed Curtis, Bernie Mandel, Linda Palchick, Greg Poe, and Walt Waetjen.  Jason Abate and Frank Formichelli were also present.

The minutes from the April meeting were available for hard copy distribution due to the absence of clerk, Monica Gromek.  The minutes had been previously been E-mailed to the Board for their review.  Greg Poe motioned to accept the minutes. Linda Palchick seconded.  Votes was taken: Mick-yes; Ed-yes; Bernie-yes; Linda-yes; Greg-yes; Walt-yes.  All in favor, motion carried.

The Treasurer’s report for April 2019 was distributed by treasurer, Ed Curtis.  The April treasurer’s report showed: Ending checking balance: $29,210.13; Total disbursements; $6,675.00; Total deposits: $2,195.64 Encumbered funds: $1,800.00; Unencumbered funds: $55,127.54.  Bernie Mandel motioned to accept the treasurer’s report. Greg Poe seconded.  Vote was taken: Mick-yes; Ed-yes; Bernie-yes; Linda-yes; Greg-yes; Walt-yes. All in favor-motion carried.

Ed Curtis also presented the following bills for payment:  Abate Landscaping (snow plowing x2)-$150.00                                                                                                              Monica Gromek (April minutes)-$25.00      Bernie Mandel motioned that these bills be paid. Linda Palchick seconded. Vote was taken:  Mick-yes; Ed-yes; Bernie-yes; Linda-yes; Greg-yes; Walt-yes.  All in favor, motion carried.

Linda Palchick reported that we have been forced to close the soccer fields since April 28, 2019 due to the rain causing soggy fields and standing water. She also has received two further inquiries regarding pavilion usage but to date has not been mailed those permits.

Jason Abate reported on the park activities in the absence of John Gromek. Grass has been cut, fertilizer applied and the weeds sprayed. Munson Valley has completed the spring prep on the baseball field, but with the excessive rain, weeds have started to re-grow on the infield. Walt questioned Jason if he had noticed the “kicking” wall on the lower field being used on a regular basis because he had not and was wondering if it should be removed in the future.

Frank Formichelli said that he had submiitted a letter to the Board of Education asking to be reappointed to the Board for another 3 year term (his had expired in April 2019). To the date of this meeting he has not received confirmation of a new appointment.

Walt received confirmation from Chester Township regarding the re-appointment of Mick Benitez-Santana to the Board through 2022.

Mick Benitez-Santana reported that he has to get caught upon posting the approved minutes on the WEB site now that school has finished.

Walt had talked with Rick Izant this morning regarding any word about receiving sand from Fairmount Central (formerly Best Sand). He is still awaiting a call from the representative he was told to contact. We also will be needing additional sand for the volleyball field once they are able to work.

Bernie Mandel noted that one of the swings was broken.  He had seen an older child using it, which was way above the recommended size and weight.

Walt reported that he and Bernie had noticed that we have some areas of “rot” that are starting to appear on the pavilion roof.  The roof is the original (Pavilion was constructed in the late 1980s following receiving and ODNR Land & Water Matching Grant).  The Board members agreed to secure an estimate for the work needed.  Unfortunately, according to Ed Curtis we cannot afford to do the repair this year due to the unforeseen $ 9K expense we incurred with our levy on the last ballot.  We will have to do a capital improvement in 2020.

Ed Curtis also noted that he had received an inquiry from Russel l Trustee Madden regarding the status of the lease for the Park with Geauga County which was mailed January 16, 2019.  Ed was told that it presently is in the Prosecutor’s office for review.

Ed motioned for the meeting adjournment at 7:40 P.M. Mick Benetiz-Santana seconded. Vote was taken: Mick-yes; Ed-yes; Bernie-yes; Linda-yes; Greg-yes; Walt-yes.  All in favor motion carried.


Respectfully submitted,


____________________________________________                   ________________________________

Linda S. Palchick, Secretary                                                                          Walt Waetjen, Chairperson

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