June 12, 2019

President Walt Waetjen called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm at The Commons Pavilion.  Board members present:  Mick Benitez-Santana, Ed Curtis, John Gromek, Rick Izant, Linda Palchick, Greg Poe, and Walt Waetjen.  Jason Abate also present.

The minutes for the: May 2019 meeting were presented.  Mick Benetiz-Santana motioned to accept the minutes.  Ed Curtis seconded.  Vote was taken:  Mick, yes;  Ed, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Walt, yes. All in favor, motion carried. 

The Treasurer’s report for May 2019 was distributed.  The May treasurer’s report showed:  Ending checking balance: $25,285.49; Total disbursements: $8,025;00; Total deposits: $4,100.36; Encumbered funds: $300.00; Unencumbered funds: $52,704.08  Rick Izant motioned to accept the treasurer’s report; John Gromek seconded.  Vote was taken:  Mick, yes;  Ed, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Walt, yes. All in favor, motion carried. 

Linda Palchick motioned to pay the following bills:                                                                            Chesterland Post Office                     box rental                          106.00

WG Baseball Federation                      field prep                       1,500,00

Monica Gromek                                   June 2019 minutes               25.00

Rick Izant seconded.  Vote was taken:  Mick, yes;  Ed, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Walt, yes. All in favor, motion carried. 

Facilities – Linda Palchick                                                                                                               Soccer Fields have been closed 16 to 18 days because of all the rain in May and June. There are 2 pavilion requests for July.

On Friday, June 7 Adam called Linda.  His 2 sons play semi pro soccer from Youngstown and could not play on their flooded field.  Had no insurance.  On June 2, games were played on our field and all fields were closed that weekend…too wet. Lots of mud on the field.  Jeff Mann should have called him to say the fields were closed.  Jason Abate said the upper field needs repair in a few areas.  Walt Waetjen stated that communication lines need to be tightened up.  Been a wet spring.

Maintenance                                                                                                                                 Jason Abate will fertilize next week; graded the trail; graded the volleyball court, Walt had 3 kids fix the sign.  Jason has let some areas go to grass, as we will not be mulching beds this year.   The ditches at the baseball field are swamps.  Pipes are needed.  Jason Abate will give the Board a quote for this work. 

Dead trees need to be taken down.  Board members will meet at the park Saturday, June 15 at 10 am; to walk the park and mark the trees that need to come down. 

Walt Waetjen obtained 2 estimates for the pavilion roof to be repaired:                                                  George Lashley – a local roofer            6,655.00                                                                             A & B Roofing from Twinsburg            7,050.00

The facia is too high in the southeast corner of the roof.  There will be a regrade so the water will drain.  Also install ice guard.  Walt emphasized to both companies that clean up is necessary as kids use the park.  After discussion, the Board decided this project will be done this year.  Capital improvements fund to cover this project.  John Gromek motioned to encumber 7,500.00 for the pavilion roof repair.  Mick Benitez-Santana seconded.  Vote was taken:  Mick, yes;  Ed, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Walt, yes. All in favor, motion carried.

Playground – Rick Izant                                                                                                                   Rick will stop in to see sales manager, Chris Calhoun at Best Sand. 50 tons of sand are needed for our playground. 

Copies of the lease of The Commons was distributed and has been reviewed by Bernie Mandel.  The lease changed from 15 yrs. to 3 5-yr. terms.  The lease needs to be signed and given to Russell Township for their signatures.  Ed Curtis will check with our insurance company that we have all the necessary requirements.

Only 1 sign now saying the field is closed.  Is another sign needed at the entrance of the park?  After Board discussion, it was decided a 2nd sign is not needed at this time.

Ed Curtis motioned for meeting adjournment at 8:09 p.  John Gromek seconded.  Vote was taken:  Mick, yes;  Ed, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Walt, yes. All in favor, motion carried. 

Respectfully submitted,


___________________________                 ___________________________

Monica Gromek, Clerk                                       Walt Waetjen, Chairperson

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