MAY 13, 2020
Vice President Bernie Mandel called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm at pavilion of The Commons. Board members present – Ed Curtis, John Gromek, Rick Izant, Bernie Mandel, Linda Palchick and Greg Poe. Jason Abate also present. Visitor Sarah Sustin in attendance.
The minutes from the March and April meetings were presented by clerk, Monica Gromek. John Gromek motioned to accept the March minutes. Linda Palchick seconded. Vote was taken: Ed, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Bernie, yes; Linda, yes and Greg, yes. All in favor, motion carried.
John Gromek motioned to accept the April 2020 minutes. Linda Palchick seconded. This meeting was not held as WG High School was closed due to the Corona virus pandemic. Vote was taken: Ed, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Bernie, yes; Linda, yes and Greg, yes. All in favor, motion carried.
The March treasurer’s report was distributed by Treasurer Ed Curtis. The treasurer’s report showed: Ending checking balance: $46,395.21; Total disbursements: $9,900.00; Total deposits: $32,275.17; Encumbered funds: $7,000.00; Unencumbered funds: $60,121.73. Rick Izant motioned to accept the treasurer’s report; John Gromek seconded. Vote was taken: Ed, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Bernie, yes; Linda, yes and Greg, yes. All in favor, motion carried.
The April treasurer’s report was distributed by Treasurer Ed Curtis. The treasurer’s report showed: Ending checking balance: $39,095.21; Total disbursements: $7,300.00; Total deposits: $0; Encumbered funds: $6,200.00; Unencumbered funds: $53,621.90. John Gromek motioned to accept the treasurer’s report; Linda Palchick seconded. Vote was taken: Ed, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Bernie, yes; Linda, yes and Greg, yes. All in favor, motion carried.
Linda Palchick motioned to pay the following bills:
Monica Gromek May 2020 minutes $ 25.00
Abate Landscaping asphalt grindings $ 467.46
Abate Landscaping water diversion project $7,000.00
John Gromek seconded. Vote was taken: Ed, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Bernie, yes; Linda, yes and Greg, yes. All in favor, motion carried.
Rick Izant motioned to encumber $880.00 for pavilion gutters, and $800.00 for drainage from the Pavilion – to divert water runoff that is cutting into the playground. Vote was taken: Ed, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Bernie, yes; Linda, yes and Greg, yes. All in favor, motion carried.
Linda Palchick – Facilities
Soccer and Baseball have been cancelled due to the Pandemic. No word from Rec Council.
Jason Abate and John Gromek – Maintenance
Pavilion gutters and drainage are working well to drain water runoff from the Pavilion. The entry path to the baseball field needs to be dug in the ditch. The junior soccer field looks very good after closing the field all last year. There is a broken fence post on the path. Jason filled in the areas by the soccer nets.
The baseball diamond is being used as a driving range. Jason Abate picked up 87 golf balls on the baseball diamond. The field flooded in April, 2020; Jason mulched the flower beds at the park entrance drive; raked the volleyball court and the playground sand. All fallen sticks have been picked up the park.
Linda reported that the board is getting excuses from the sign company in Burton, for completion of the sign design for the Jasko Pavilion and Waetjen Trail. Our Eagle Scout is delayed in getting the necessary signatures from the Boy Scout Council to begin his trail signs project at the park.
Rick Izant will check with Best Sand to see if the sand is still available for our playground. Did not do the sand distribution last fall.
New Business – Bernie Mandel received a phone call from 2 ladies from Newbury. The Newbury school district has just merged with the West Geauga school district. There are 2 soccer fields in Newbury. Bernie toured this parcel. Question what to do with them. Donate? Sell at auction? Use them? There are 2 buildings, auditorium, gym. Repairs needed. Bill Bryan is researching to make this into a Sports Complex. Bernie informed them how our Commons Board members are appointed. Indoor sports gym facilities are really needed for the kids sport’s teams.
Slate of officers presented by Bernie Mandel. Greg Poe – President, Bernie Mandel – Vice President, Ed Curtis – Treasurer, Linda Palchick – Secretary. Rick Izant motioned to accept the slate of officers. John Gromek seconded. Vote was taken: Ed, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Bernie, yes; Linda, yes and Greg, yes. All in favor, motion carried.
Ed Curtis reviewed Ohio’s Sunshine Laws – Our monthly board meetings to be advertised in local newspapers: Chesterland News; The News Herald; Chagrin Valley Times.
June 10 is our next board meeting at the Commons Pavilion. Bernie Mandel motioned for meeting adjournment at 7:55 pm. Rick Izant seconded. Vote was taken: Ed, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Bernie, yes; Linda, yes and Greg, yes. All in favor, motion carried.
Respectfully submitted,
_____________________________ ___________________________
Monica Gromek, clerk Bernie Mandel, Vice-President