August 12, 2020


President Greg Poe called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. at the pavilion of The Commons.

Board members present – Mick Benitez-Santana, Ed Curtis, Frank Formicilli, John Gromek,

Rick Izant, Bernie Mandel, Linda Palchick, Greg Poe and Sarah Sustin.  Jason Abate was also



Ed Curtis motioned to accept the July 2020 minutes.  Rick Izant seconded.  Vote was taken:

Mick-yes; Ed-yes; Frank-yes; John-yes; Rick-yes; Bernie-yes; Linda-yes; Greg-yes and Sarah-

yes.  All in favor, motion carried.


The July treasurer’s report was distributed by Treasurer Ed Curtis.  The treasurer’s report

showed:  ending checking balance: $18,155.97; total disbursements-$9,414.00: encumbered

funds-$6,820.00; unencumbered funds-$32,063.18.  John Gromek motioned to accept the

Treasurer’s report; Bernie Mandel seconded.  Vote was taken:  Mick-yes; Ed-yes;  Frank-yes;

John-yes; Rick-yes; Bernie-yes;  Linda-yes; Greg-yes; and Sarah-yes.  All in favor, motion



Bernie Mandel motioned to pay the following bills:

21st Century Media                          Public notice for budget                                $    132.45

Westfield Insurance                        Annual coverage                                              $ 2,889.00

Alt. Media Studios                           Host WEB site                                                    $    406.08

Treasurer State of Ohio                 Basic audit                                                          $     356.70

Abate Landscaping                          Fence repair + haul & spread sand            $ 1,760.00

Mick Benitez-Santana seconded the motion.  Vote was taken:  Mick-yes; Ed-yes; Frank-yes;

John-yes; rick-yes; Bernie-yes; Linda-yes; Greg-yes and Sarah-yes.  All in favor, motion carried.


Ed Curtis presented and overview of the state audit report.  We were compliant in all areas

excepting that our annual budget; salaries and contact information for Board members were

not on the WEB site.  Mick Benitez-Santana will take care of updating those onto the site ASAP.

Bernie Mandel noted that he would rewrite our By-laws to make sure we are compliant with

present state rules.


Facilities – Linda Palchick

Linda reported that baseball season has been completed.  As of yet there still is no fall soccer

scheduled for either Rec Council or Soccer Club.  At present both organizations have been

given permission to use the lower soccer/lacrosse field for training purposes during this COVID

pandemic ONLY.    Lions football have also been given permission to use the outfield of the

baseball field during the pandemic also.  Frank Formicelli noted at this time that the Lions Club

would no longer have a need to use the baseball field since they have permission to practice at

the Mayfield Methodist Church which would prove to be more convenient since it was more

centrally located in the community.

At this time Linda reported that she has requests from 3 individuals to use the pavilion while

observing the state mandates.


Maintenance – John Gromek & Jason Abate

Jason and his crew have trimmed all the trees for hanging or dead limbs, cleaned out any “problem”

ditches, enlarged the drainage by the baseball field to encourage runoff with any downpours  and

repaired a fence of a property owner on Riverside Drive when a tree from the Commons property

fell damaging it.  Jason also noted that the bases were left on the baseball field after the completion

of the season.  Linda Palchick will contact the president of the Baseball Federation and notify them

to contact Jason to pick them up.  Jason also noted that Runyak Paving had “fixed” the ditches in

front of The Commons when they did the repaving of Chillicothe Road.


Old business:

WEB site –Mick Benitez-Santana reported that he had updated all the minutes on the site and would

get the additional information needed by the state loaded ASAP.  He also said he would load pictures

of the water diversion project also and questioned the Board of anything else that they felt should

be on the site.  Rick would like to see info about the finally completed playground area.  No other

suggestions were made at present, however anything new should be directed to Mick.


Playground project – Rick Izant reported that Best Sand had donated 57 tons of sand.  50 tons were

used for the playground with the remaining 7 tons were used on the volleyball court.  Our only cost

involved the hauling and spreading of the sand which Abate Landscaping’s crew handled.


We are still looking for suggestions regarding a new location for our winter meetings.  The Board

of Education has stated that they will NOT be allowing any outside groups into the schools for the

remainder of the calendar year.  Sarah Sustin suggested using  Russel l Town Hall since it is large

enough to “safely distance”.  Linda will check this out.


New business:

Linda Palchick brought to the Board a verbal request from Bill Bryan, Director of Coaching for the

West Geauga Soccer Club.  Chagrin Falls and West Geauga Soccer Clubs have entered into a contract

with Go2Goal (Kia Zolgharnain) for training and coaching for the 2020-2021 soccer seasons.  Bill

would like permission to hold scrimmages between the Chagrin and West G teams using the lower

field.  He feels that since they are under this “umbrella” (contract), this would NOT fall under the

state mandate of no inter community scrimmages or games.  The Board was able to see the Soccer

Club teams training during our meeting.  We noted that masks were no being worn by the coaches,

players that were not involved in the games at that time or the parents/fans on the sidelines.  There

also seemed to be no social distancing.  This was a concern for the Board members.  Frank Formicelli

was questioned what protocol had been instituted by the Lions Club for football.  He said all coaches

wore masks as did the players not in the games, temperatures of everyone, including coaches, were

taken prior to practice, and core questions (do you have a cough, a fever, etc.) were asked before

practice.  A lengthy discussion followed regarding the Board’s concerns during this pandemic.

Rick Izant motioned to NOT ALLOW any scrimmages or games to be played between West Geauga

Soccer Club teams and ANY outside community teams following the present state mandates.

Only scrimmages between different age levels of the West Geauga teams will be permitted.

This was seconded by Ed Curtis.  Vote was taken.  Mick-yes; Ed-yes; Frank-yes; John-yes; Rick-yes;

Bernie-yes; Linda-yes; Greg-yes and Sarah-yes.  All in favor, motion carried.


Bernie Mandel motioned  that the Board reaffirm their permission for the Lions Club to use the

Baseball field;  the West Geauga Rec Council and the West Geauga Soccer Club’s use of the lower

soccer/lacrosse field for training ONLY purpose during the COVID-19 pandemic, ending NO LATER

than 11-1-2020 when our fields close for the year.  The initial permission was given either by E-mail

or telephone and he would like it voted on in person by the Board.  Linda Palchick seconded .   Vote

was taken.  Mick-yes; Ed-yes; Frank-yes; John-yes; Rick-yes;  Bernie-yes; Linda-yes; Greg-yes; and

Sarah-yes.  All in favor, motion carried.


Bernie Mandel motioned for meeting adjournment at 8:20 P.M.  Frank Formicelli seconded.  Vote

was taken.  Mick-yes; Ed-yes; Frank-yes; John-yes; Rick-yes; Bernie-yes; Linda-yes; Greg-yes and

Sarah-yes.  All in favor, motion carried.


Respectfully submitted,



Linda Palchick, secretary                                                                               Greg Poe, President

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