MARCH 16, 2021 corrected

Board members present: Ed Curtis, Frank Formicelli, John Gromek, Rick Izant, Bernie Mandel, Linda Palchick, Greg Poe, Sara Sustin. Zoom guests: Bill Bryan (soccer), Kelly Graham (baseball), Jeff Mann (Rec Council soccer)

Minutes presented. Bernie Mandel motioned to accept the minutes with changes. Frank Formicelli seconded. AIF MC

The February Treasurer’s report was distributed by Treasure Ed Curtis. The Treasures report showed: Ending checking balance: $24,769.71; Ending savings balance: $20,728,41; Total Disbursements: $261.24; Total deposits: $.16; Encumbered funds: $2.380; Unencumbered funds: $43,118.12. Linda Palchick motioned to accept the treasurer’s report. Bernie Mandel seconded. AIF MC

Bills presented. Bernie motioned to pay the following: Monica Gromek $25.00 March 2021 minutes Philadelphia Insurance Co. $880.00 Insurance Abate Landscaping $300.00 4 snowplows at $75.00 each Rick Izant seconded. AIF MC

Facilities – Linda 1 pavilion request. Soccer 1st game is April 18.

Maintenance – John and Jason Baby swing broken; a new one will be ordered. Some snow damage at park; will be repaired.

John Gromek presented a couple of options of new benches for the park: 1) open back; room between slats. 2) no spacing between slats. Made from composite, installed with ground anchors. Prices range from $600 to $700 per bench. 4 different colors are available: black, white, gray and cedar. Cedar is the color of benches presently at the park. The last time, the benches were delivered to Abates. Discussion on where to install? Decision made to table for now and get pricing to replace the boards on current benches. Jason to provide pricing on board replacement.

Sara Sustin said the aluminum dugout benches at the baseball field are very short. 13 to 18 yr.-olds play at this field. Guest Kelly Graham (WGBF) questioned if these benches can be repurposed to the soccer fields. Jason will check to see if the current benches can be raised.

John has contacted 5 asphalt paving companies for work estimates on resurfacing or repaving the basketball court. Report findings at our next meeting.

Guests from the organizations that use are fields are present at this meeting.

Bill Bryan (soccer) thanked the Board for what we do. He has grown up using our facilities; and appreciates all we do. There are more junior teams this year; playing on Sundays. Bill does not think the HS field will be used this year for practice. He has sent notice to Linda already to practice on lower field M W F.

Sara Sustin talked with the superintendent and athletic director. Fields cannot be used for club sports. No baseball for 7th and 8th graders this year. Bernie will send letters to the Board and in the newspapers; the fields on school property are needed for the community to use. Masks and social distancing will be observed. Bill Bryan said indoor soccer was played, 120 kids / 9 teams. NO COVID instances. 0 COVID issues.

Jeff Mann (Rec Council Soccer) has used T W TH games at the Commons and Sunday. Rec Council behind the Summer Camp needs middle school field – a Pavilion there for weather protection. Will have 5-6 teams for practice used at the Commons. Has 4 U10 teams; 2-3 12 yr olds; 1 15-yr old team. Games on Saturday. Linda WILL NOT approve permits until a schedule is received from both Soccer Club and Rec Council. These 3 groups have to all sit down and discuss how the practice fields will be used.

Frank Formicelli needs to submit a permit app for June 11, 12, and 13 Baseball Tournament for Commons field. Usually held at Westwood (closed this year).

Bill Bryan said the lower field can possibly get a 3rd team in for practice games. He questioned using the outfield area of the baseball field. Linda Palchick stated that the field will have a lot more baseball use. Jeff Mann’s soccer games begin in mid-April. Kelly Graham said May 24 games will start for baseball; practice begins May 3. Bernie Mandel asked all 3 to get together then tell our Board what is needed.

Kelly said her exact times will be listed on her permit app to us. CANNOT use school fields at all. Parkside and Clay Eddy field only use 2 fields for baseball.

Bill Bryan and Jeff Mann will space out their soccer needs. Bernie Mandel said our board needs their schedules for approval. Follow COVID rules. Can use for practice. Joint Rec Board has to maintain the fields, and that can be costly to up keep. Can use fields upon our Board’s decision. Rick Izant asked our guests to get back to the Board soon. Sara Sustin asked if their schedules can be emailed to our Board members. No decisions will be made now. If the field is wet, it cannot be used. Linda Palchick said Jason Abate will check the field conditions daily and will contact Linda if the fields are not playable. She needs in writing who will be on what field each day.

Bernie Mandel motioned that Baseball/Soccer Club/Rec Council can use Commons fields for practice per COVID rules. Ed Curtis seconded. AIF MC. Bernie Mandel will provide rules for use of practice fields to organizations in the next 3 days,

Question if the travel baseball team is using the Commons field. Discussion is being held with St. Anselm for smaller aged teams can use their fields. Kelly said the travel team needs a home field. They are not part of the Federation. High fees are paid to play. Questioned if WG kids are on these travel teams. Linda Palchick said yes. Board will further discuss all these situations. Guests left the ZOOM meeting at 8:15 pm.

Sara Sustin questioned who pays for taking care of the baseball field. Ed Curtis said the board pays for the prep of the field and Baseball Federation drags and lines the field.

Linda Palchick informed the Board that the Geauga West Library will use the Commons site in April as a destination for their planned Scavenger Hunt in April. A flag will be placed by the Bulletin Board, that CANNOT be removed.

Greg Poe would like the Board to discuss dedications to Pat Jasko and Walt Waetjen at our April meeting.

Ed Curtis asked if we all read the information that he sent from the Budget hearing. No Newbury funds will be available until 2022. 1 bid was received from Abate Landscaping for the Park’s Maintenance Bid. The Abate bid is 53K for 2021-2022 and same for the optional second year 2022 to 2023. Bernie Mandel

motioned to accept this bid, waiving the bid bond and performance bond requirement. John Gromek seconded. AIF MC. Linda Palchick motioned to approve the PO in the amount of $53,000 for the 2021 to 2022 contract and also approved the maintenance fee schedule of payments April through October. Bernie Mandel seconded. AIF MC

Our next Board meeting is April 20 at the Commons. Ed and Rick will not be at this meeting. Ed Curtis motioned for meeting adjournment at 8:30 p. Frank Formicelli seconded. AIF MC

Respectfully submitted,


___________________________ ____________________________

Monica Gromek, Clerk                   Greg Poe, President

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