April 20, 2021

President Greg Poe called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm at the Chester Town Hall meeting room. Board members present –John Gromek, Bernie Mandel, Linda Palchick, Greg Poe and Sara Sustin. Frank Formicelli and Monica Gromek on Zoom meeting. Jason Abate also present.

The minutes from the March meeting presented by clerk, Monica Gromek. John Gromek motioned to accept the minutes. Frank Formicelli seconded. Vote was taken: Frank, yes; John, yes; Bernie, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Sara, yes. All in favor, motion carried.

The March treasurer’s report was distributed by Treasurer Ed Curtis and read by Bernie Mandel in Ed’s absence. The treasurer’s report showed: Ending checking balance: $45,632.80; Total disbursements: $12,205.00; Total deposits: $33,068.09; Encumbered funds: $1,500.00; Unencumbered funds: $65,361.40. Bernie Mandel motioned to accept the treasurer’s report; Linda Palchick motioned to accept the treasurer’s report. Vote was taken: Frank, yes; John, yes; Bernie, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Sara, yes. All in favor, motion carried.

Bills to be paid will be presented at our May meeting.

Facilities – Linda Palchick Soccer began on Saturday 4/17/21, using the lower field. No Pavilion requests. John Gromek and Jason Abate have game schedules until June 2021. Monday thru Thursday is Rec Council Soccer. Tuesday and Wednesday is Soccer Club. Cannot use the baseball outfield for games. The WG Schools have cancelled 7th and 8th grade baseball this year.

Maintenance – John Gromek and Jason Abate Jason installed a trench to the river on the path to help the drainage issue in that area. Baseball field is fertilized. Jason dug out the baseball benches along the river. 3rd base side, the bench was only 9” high. He made the benches the same

height. Only 1 quote was returned to resurface the basketball court from GAR for 7800.00. The court is not in bad shape. Maybe we can just seal and restripe it this year.

There are 5 wooden benches throughout the park that are peeling. They are weathered and need some attention. Question? Should we replace the boards with composite wood. Jason proposed to use pressure treated lumber for replacement. Linda Palchick will discuss this project with the Boy Scout troop for help. The price of lumber has skyrocketed this past year due to the Covid 19 pandemic with supplies that are limited.

Question? Can the soccer posts be repainted; after wire brushing the rust off? Can this be done before the nets are installed? Sanitizing stations were purchased by John Gromek plus gallons of disinfectant. Jason Abate will install them.

Jason fertilized all fields. Asphalt grindings are needed for our muddy path. Behind the baseball dugout is in bad condition. Linda Palchick motioned to encumber 500.00 for grindings. Frank Formicelli seconded. Vote was taken: Frank, yes; John, yes; Bernie, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Sara, yes. All in favor, motion carried.

Baseball Federation wants to put 5” crushed red brick on the infield. Frank Formicelli said it would be better to play on. Cost to topcoat the infield 2100.00. Bernie Mandel motioned Joint Rec Board encumber/pay 1500.00 for this. Baseball Federation to pay the balance. Frank Formicelli seconded. Vote was taken: Frank, yes; John, yes; Bernie, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Sara, yes. All in favor, motion carried.

Sarah Sustin is trying to get pricing on the Park’s Center Information sign. People are not getting back to her with pricing. Sarah showed the Board a picture of the Bell Rd. sign built by an Amish Carpenter. Can the sign be made using some metal (poles and roof)? The sun fades our present sign information. One sided sign? Old concrete for posts needs redone. Sarah will post on a local site asking for contractor work needed at the Commons. More discussion at our next meeting.


More discussions to be held at our May meeting concerning dedications for the Pat Jasko Pavilion and the Walt Waetjen trail.

Next meeting May 18, Tuesday, at 7pm at The Commons Pavilion.


Linda Palchick motioned to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 pm. John Gromek seconded. Vote was taken: Frank, yes; John, yes; Bernie, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Sara, yes. All in favor, motion carried.


Respectfully submitted,


________________________________ ____________________________

Monica Gromek, clerk                              Greg Poe, President.

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