FEBRUARY 15, 2022

President Greg Poe called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm at the West Geauga Library meeting room. Board members present – Mick Benitez-Santana, Ed Curtis, Frank Formicelli, John Gromek, Rick Izant, Linda Palchick, Greg Poe and Sara Sustin. Jason Abate also in attendance.

The minutes from the January meeting presented by clerk Monica Gromek. Mick Benitez-Santana motioned to accept the minutes. Rick Izant seconded. Vote was taken: Mick, yes; Ed, yes; Frank, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Sara, yes. All in favor, motion carried.

The January treasurer’s report was distributed by Treasurer Ed Curtis. The treasurer’s report showed: Ending checking balance: $28,766.03; Total disbursements: $0; Total deposits: $0.18; Encumbered funds: $0; Unencumbered funds: $50,476.40. Frank Formicelli motioned to accept the treasurer’s report; John Gromek motioned to accept the treasurer’s report. Vote was taken: Mick, yes; Ed, yes; Frank, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Sara, yes. All in favor, motion carried.

Frank Formicelli motioned to pay the following bill: Monica Gromek February minutes $25.00 Philadelphia Insurance D & O Insurance $991.00 Abate Landscaping snowplowing 4 @ 75.00 $300.00 Sara Sustin seconded. Vote was taken: Mick, yes; Ed, yes; Frank, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Sara, yes. All in favor, motion carried.

Linda Palchick motioned to renew the Maintenance Contract for 2022-2023 Abate Landscaping $53,000. John Gromek seconded. Vote was taken: Mick, yes; Ed, yes; Frank, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Sara, yes. All in favor, motion carried.

Geauga County Auditor’s office sent millage information and Levy Expiration notice for our .20 Mill Joint Recreation District Levy First Voted in 1988. Renewal rate 2.70 per home market value of $100,000.

Facilities – Linda Palchick: No report

Maintenance – John Gromek and Jason Abate snow plowing done. People walking the park every day; path sometimes icy. The river is flowing. Jason Abate reported our park sign is falling apart. The Board shall pursue this project this year.

Website – Mick Benitez-Santana Board members pictures are still needed for the website. Monica Gromek suggested putting levy information on our website – explaining the West Geauga Community Joint Recreation District.

New Business John Gromek contacted Playground World, a local company, for information on replacing the Merry Go Round at the playground in the park. It is a 10 ft. sectional vinyl coated merry go round. Quote: $8756.00 + shipping. Total $11,036.88. No tax (Geauga County).

The company to sealcoat the basketball court will patch the cracks and seal the court this spring.

Board Discussion on replacing some of the grills at the Pavilion. John Gromek checked catalog prices for stainless grills. $450.00 each. We have 4 grills and 1 big grill at the pavilion. Linda Palchick motioned to encumber $1,000 for grill replacement. Mick Benitez-Santana seconded. Vote was taken: Mick, yes; Ed, yes; Frank, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Sara, yes. All in favor, motion carried.

Rick Izant motioned to encumber $9900.00 for red/yellow merry go round. Mick Benitez-Santana seconded. Vote was taken: Mick, yes; Ed, yes; Frank, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Sara, yes. All in favor, motion carried.

Board discussion to Make awareness event at The West Geauga Commons. Reach out to coaches to bring their teams and possibly offer a booth/table of their information. Food trucks? Host a nice park gathering.

Ed Curtis and Rick Izant attended a meeting in Russell Township giving them levy information.

The July monthly Board meeting will be July 12, 2022, at the Commons Pavilion.

Linda Palchick motioned for meeting adjournment at 7:50 pm. John Gromek seconded. Vote was taken: Mick, yes; Ed, yes; Frank, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Sara, yes. All in favor, motion carried.

Next meeting Tuesday, March 15, 2022, at the WG Library.

Respectfully submitted,


____________________________ _____________________________

Monica Gromek, Clerk                     Greg Poe, President

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