April 19, 2022


President Greg Poe called the meeting to order at 7:02 pm at West Geauga Library Gilson Room. Board members present – Ed Curtis, Frank Formicelli, John Gromek, Linda Palchick. Greg Poe, and Sara Sustin. Jason Abate and Bill Bryant from WG Soccer Club also present.


The minutes from the March meeting presented. Ed Curtis motioned to accept the minutes. Frank Formicelli seconded. Vote was taken. Ed, yes; Frank, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Sara, yes. All in favor, motion carried.

Sara Sustin motioned to pay the following bills:                                                                             Monica Gromek                   April 2022 minutes                         25,00                                              Monica Gromek                 March 2022 minutes                     25.00                                                 Mulberry Creek GH          Flowers and Fence                         650.00                                                 Playground World             Merry-go-round                         9,589.00                                                      Playground World             Installation of Merry-go-round    750.00

 Linda Palchick motioned to encumber 750.00 for installation of the merry-go-round.  Frank Formicelli seconded. Vote was taken. Ed, yes; Frank, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Sara, yes. All in favor, motion carried.


Bill Bryan from the WG Soccer Club was asked if there were any concerns, complaints or needs from the Board. First the Board was thanked for the condition of the fields good as always. He noted a need of his Club, due to the increase in the number of younger players, of an additional 7x7 field for games. They were         finding it difficult fitting all the games into the present Clay Eddy fields. Since the lower field was not being used, he was wondering if a 9x9 field could be made on the lower field while the junior field was converted into a 7x7 field. Linda questioned why the junior field even needed to be changed and 1 or 2 7x7 fields be placed on the lower field. Bill will meet with Jason to walk the lower field to see if that is possible considering the one “wet” area on that field. Ed Curtis asked if the Soccer Club would be responsible for the cost and purchase of any goals needed for any new fields planned for the lower field. Bill agreed that he felt his Board would have no problem supplying them. If playing field/fields could be arranged at the Commons, Clay Eddy could be used for practices ONLY.

Mike Mankiewicz, the soccer representative from the West Geauga Recreation Council was unable to attend, however had called Linda Palchick. His group had no concerns, complaints, etc. and again complimented the Board on the field conditions. He said that they planned to have a tournament again in the fall but had yet to decide a date. When questioned about the possible resumption of the Saturday Men’s league, he said he would have to try to find someone to run it since he was too busy to oversee it at the present time.

Kelly Graham of the WG Baseball Federation was unable to attend due to commitments but did email information to Sara Sustin during the meeting. Presently there are to be 2 teams for Majors, 2 for Pony league and 1 for Cold league. All practices will be held at the Commons, games for Majors will be at St. Anselm field while games for Pony and Colt will be at the Commons. Games will be from May 23rd thru July 16th. Initial field prep will be done ASAP (weather permitting) under a contract Baseball Federation has with Jerry Flesher and grandson. Kelly feels that the cost will be about $750.00.

Facilities – Linda Palchick                                                                                                              Soccer season schedule to start 4/24/22 (weather permitting). All those telephone calls from last month regarding pavilion dates did not submit a permit, so there are no reservations at present.

Maintenance – Jason Abate                                                                                                            Needless to say, the fields have a large amount of standing water; grass has been cut; sticks have been picked up for the 3rd time; the bathrooms have been pressure washed; fence done; roof of bathroom checked regarding leak…caulk found to have shrunk.  Jason will repair with a new stronger material; sanitizers in bathrooms not working (gravel placed in them by ‘kids’) …need new ones???  Check Amazon for something that will be stronger, and top will be more difficult to remove; there are some dents on bathroom doors due to rocks being thrown at them; bathrooms need to be painted inside plus outside of upper field bathroom is starting to peel.  Jason Abate will fertilize (cost only $8.00 more than last year); then stripe the field, hopefully Thursday.

Old Business                                                                                                                                Frank Formicelli volunteered to take over The Commons WEB site. He will contact Mick Benitez-Santana to work with him. Sara Sustin again having trouble getting response from carpenters on main billboard rebuild.

New Business:  2022-2023 slate of officers discussed and presented:                                                Greg Poe – President                                   Rick Izant – Vice President                                           Linda Palchick – Secretary                          Ed Curtis – Treasurer                                              

Megan McGinnis telephoned Linda Palchick regarding doing her Gold Award for Girl Scouts by redoing the sign board. She will make a formal proposal at the May meeting.

The May 2022 meeting will be held in the Pavilion at The Commons.  Linda Palchick motioned for meeting adjournment at 8:15 pm; Frank Formicelli seconded. Vote was taken. Ed, yes; Frank, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes; Sara, yes. All in favor, motion carried.

______________________________        ___________________________                                    Linda Palchick, Secretary                               Monica Gromek, Clerk                                          


______________________________                                                                                            Greg Poe, President

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