September 20, 2022  

President Greg Poe called the meeting to order at 6:45 pm at the Pavilion of The Commons. Board members present – Evan Byrum, Ed Curtis, Frank Formicelli, John Gromek, Rick Izant, Greg Poe, Linda Palchick and Sara Sustin. Jason Abate was also present.  

The minutes from the August meeting presented from Monica Gromek. Ed Curtis motioned to accept the minutes. Rick Izant seconded. Vote was taken. Evan, yes; Ed, yes; Frank, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes and Sara, yes. All in favor, motion carried.  

Treasurer Ed Curtis distributed the August treasurer’s report. The treasurer’s report showed:  Ending checking balance: $14,019.71; Total disbursements: $19,415.33; savings account ending balance $27,715.54. Total deposits: $2.94; Encumbered funds: $8,225.00; Unencumbered funds: $27,509.25. John Gromek motioned to accept the treasurer’s report; Sara Sustin seconded. Vote was taken. Evan, yes; Ed, yes; Frank, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes and Sara, yes. All in favor, motion carried.  

Linda Palchick motioned the following bills be paid, Frank Formicelli seconded. Vote was taken. Evan, yes; Ed, yes; Frank, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes and Sara, yes. All in favor, motion carried.                                                                      

Monica Gromek September minutes   $25.00

Abate Landscaping Path and trees  $1,600.00

 Middlefield Sign Co.  Pavilion Sign $850.00 


Ed Curtis summarized $83,000 was budgeted this year; and we have spent almost $81,000 leaving us about $3,000 left to spend. 

Facilities – Linda Palchick 

Soccer Club will end their season at the end of October. Linda heard the Rec Council tournament may be the weekend of October 10, but no permit has yet been submitted. They will also need a police officer on the grounds.  

Maintenance – John Gromek and Jason Abate  

Jason cut dead trees down in the park and did the 1st leaf cleanup this year. The Cross-Country Track team has been running at The Commons. John Gromek said we are still on the schedule to have our basketball court resurfaced this month.  


Frank Formicelli has updated our website.  

New Board Members:  Evan Byrum has had his Board Appointment approved by Chester Township. Nancy Chapic is waiting on the Board of Education approval.  

Linda Palchick submitted a copy of the Pat Jasko Pavilion sign to each Board Member for their review. Upon Board approval the sign company will have permission; will take 4-6 weeks for completion. A payment of ½ the sign cost will be needed for a down payment.  

John Gromek said the memorial benches for Walt Waetjen and Bernie Mandel will be installed at the park after the winter. John showed samples of benches and the wording on it. They are approximately $2,300 each + about $450.00 for shipping. Patching cracks and sealcoating/striping of the basketball court will be done in 2-3 weeks. Walt and Bernie’s board positions will be left off each of their benches. Ed Curtis suggested possibly making a Memorial Garden by the plaque for Lauren Edwards up near Rt. 306.  

 Rick Izant gave the board an update on the 2022 Levy.  He said Fulton Sign Company in Mentor donated two 4x8 banners for display at the road for our upcoming Park Levy.  He encouraged full board participation for monetary donations.  On the ballot, we are local issue #2 because there is a State Issue #2.   Ads will be placed in the Chesterland News.  Possibly the new merry-go-round will be used in our levy ads.  Emphasize that this is a renewal levy; no new taxes on the signs.   

Next meeting is Tuesday, October 18, 2022, at the Eykyn Room at West Geauga Public Library at 7:00 pm.  

Rick Izant motioned for meeting adjournment at 7:20 pm. Ed Curtis seconded. Vote was taken. Evan, yes; Ed, yes; Frank, yes; John, yes; Rick, yes; Linda, yes; Greg, yes and Sara, yes. All in favor, motion carried.  

 Respectfully submitted,  


_________________________                     Monica Gromek, clerk                                         

_________________________                    Greg Poe, President                                                                          


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