April 19, 2023

Vice President Rick Izant called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm at West Geauga High School Library. Board members present – Evan Byrum, Ed Curtis, Frank Formicelli, John Gromek, Rick Izant, Linda Palchick, Sarah Sustin. Jason Abate was also present.

Girl Scout Megan McGinnis presented a summary of her Proposed New Park Sign project.  Megan will have insurance for the June 10 Girl Scout Day event at the park.  She has wood for the new inground sign.  There is no electricity at the park.  Sarah Sustin questioned if roofing could be metal; 6ft x 2’? Maybe a local roofer has some smaller metal scrap pieces.  She needs to know where the Board wants the sign to go.  Along the entrance to the pavilion was suggested.  Linda Palchick has been updating the history of the park.  She gave Megan a park map, Russell Twp. Information.  Megan still needs the Big Tree proclamation.  Jason Abate will take down the old sign.

The minutes from the March 2023 meeting presented by clerk Monica Gromek. Ed Curtis motioned to accept the minutes. Linda Palchick seconded. Vote was taken – Evan Byrum, yes; Ed Curtis, yes; Frank Formicelli, yes; John Gromek, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Sarah Sustin, yes.  Motion carried.

Treasurer Ed Curtis distributed the March treasurer’s report. The treasurer’s report showed:  Ending checking balance: $63,089.70; Total disbursements: $13,369.27; savings account ending balance $21,755.18. Total deposits: $7.50; Encumbered funds: $500.00; Unencumbered funds: $84,344.88. Linda Palchick motioned to accept the treasurer’s report; Evan Byrum seconded. Vote was taken – Evan Byrum, yes; Ed Curtis, yes; Frank Formicelli, yes; John Gromek, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Sarah Sustin, yes.  Motion carried.

John Gromek motioned the following bills be paid:

Monica Gromek                 $25.00 + 11.91      April minutes + binder                                                

Abate Landscaping            $75.00                 

Last snowplow                   $146.31                      

Doggie Bags

Vote was taken – Evan Byrum, yes; Ed Curtis, yes; Frank Formicelli, yes; John Gromek, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Sarah Sustin, yes.  Motion carried.

Linda Palchick has been approved and reappointed by Chester Township to the Board for a 3-year term ending March 31, 2026.

Facilities – Linda Palchick                                                                                            Games started last Sunday.  Soccer will begin in May.  2 pavilion permits have been received.  No baseball schedule submitted yet.  

Maintenance – John Gromek and Jason Abate                                                                   Jason reported that baseball field prep done last week.  Eugene DiFranco sprayed the field for weeds.  Jason cut the grass.  Bathrooms will be cleaned out.  Need a copy from Steigerwald of the tank cleanout. 3 soccer fields fertilizer is done.  Volleyball nets are up.

Sarah Sustin offered to do an article in the Chesterland News the first week of June announcing the Jasko pavilion dedication on Saturday, June 24, 2023. The public is invited.

Discussion on placement of the Bernie Mandel and Walt Waetjen park benches.  Suggest placement of a sign explaining who Walt and Bernie were.  Ed Curtis suggested a “Memorial Garden” sign listing names in the garden near the crooked tree along Rt. 306. 

The restrooms need painting, possibly before the dedication.  Suggest epoxy paint on the floor.  Sarah will check out some leads.

New Business – The 2023-2034 slate of officers will be discussed at our next meeting, May 16.    

Next meeting is April 18, 2023, at the Commons.

Sara Sustin motioned for meeting adjournment at 7:50 pm.  Evan Byrum seconded.  Vote was taken – Evan Byrum, yes; Ed Curtis, yes; Frank Formicelli, yes; John Gromek, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Sarah Sustin, yes.  Motion carried.


Respectfully submitted,

___________________                      ___________________               

Monica Gromek, clerk                            Rick Izant, Vice- President

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