June 21, 2023 

President Greg Poe called the meeting to order at 6:55 pm at the Commons Pavilion. Board members present – Ed Curtis, Frank Formicelli, John Gromek, Rick Izant, Linda Palchick, Greg Poe, Sarah Sustin. Jason Abate was also present.  

The minutes from the May 2023 meeting presented by clerk Monica Gromek. John Gromek motioned to accept the minutes. Rick Izant seconded. Vote was taken – Ed Curtis, yes; Frank Formicelli, yes; John Gromek, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Greg Poe, yes; Sarah Sustin, yes.  Motion carried. 

Treasurer Ed Curtis distributed the May 2023 treasurer’s report. The treasurer’s report showed:  Ending checking balance: $52,603.78; Total disbursements: $8,290.00; Savings account ending balance $21,773.33. Total deposits: $9.82; Encumbered funds: $500.00; Unencumbered funds: $73,877.11. Rick Izant motioned to accept the treasurer’s report; Frank Formicelli seconded. Vote was taken – Ed Curtis, yes; Frank Formicelli, yes; John Gromek, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Greg Poe, yes; Sarah Sustin, yes.  Motion carried. 

Frank Formicelli motioned to pay the following bills:                                                

Monica Gromek June minutes $ 25.00

Abate Landscaping Memorial Garden sign    $  32.03

PO Box – annual fee US Postal Service $194.00  

Rick Izant seconded.  Vote was taken – Ed Curtis, yes; Frank Formicelli, yes; John Gromek, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Greg Poe, yes; Sarah Sustin, yes.  Motion carried. 

Girl Scout Megan McGinnis presented a final report on the Newly built Park Sign project.  She will place a ‘completed Girl Scout project’ sign when she receives it.  Posted in the new sign board: History and map of the Commons, Board of the Commons Trustees listing, Explanations of Facilities at the park, plant trivia, fitness trivia, and nature Scavenger Hunt. The Board complimented Megan for this fine addition to the park.  Ed Curtis wrote a thankyou note to John Beverly who donated material and labor on this bulletin board project.   

Facilities – Linda Palchick                                                                                           

Rec Council Soccer is done. 1 pavilion request for June 29.   The Soccer Club would like pickup games on Fridays.  Not lining the field.  Nets will be up and cones on the sidelines.  Rec Council would like Thursday pickup games on the Jr. Field.  Field will not be lined.  NEW *** Tina from Rec Council wants Sunday league June 25 thru Aug. 13 6-8 pm.  No striping $25.00/game – deducted cost of tournament and fall games also deducted.   

Maintenance – John Gromek and Jason Abate                                           

John Gromek has received quotes from All Ways Construction for a 6ft wide paved path from the new restroom to the top of the hill (horseshoe trail @ jr. soccer field).  There will be a break in the curbing to allow water to drain.  Other side also curbing towards the river.  210 ft. approx.. $12K.  John got another bid from Vitale Paving of $9,900.  Board members have used Vitale and have good experiences with them.  The Board suggested getting quote on the entire path job.   

John Gromek motioned to encumber $9,900.00 for Phase 1 of the path paving project.  Rick Izant seconded.  Vote was taken – Ed Curtis, yes; Frank Formicelli, yes; John Gromek, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Greg Poe, yes; Sarah Sustin, yes.  Motion carried. 

A swing broke on the playground and Jason Abate fixed it.  John Gromek motioned to encumber 3,000.00 to Abate Landscaping for the Memorial Bench area mulch and labor.  

Basketball court – John Gromek not successful in reaching the company to re-seal the basketball court.  Many, many attempts.  Will keep trying.  Has to be immediately.  

Web page – Frank Formicelli                                                                                         

The history of the park will not copy to our web page.  He will retype it all for the web page.   

Dedication 1 pm Saturday June 19.  Rick Izant reported that Jane Mandel and family members will attend.  Also Michelle Jasko Cole will be flying in from Florida and Jasko family will attend.  Sara Sustin said sent out 24 invitations.  No RSVPs.  Township trustees and Bd of Ed also invited.   There was a newspaper article on the WG Alumni page.  Sarah Sustin will purchase drinks from Costco.   

Jason Abate picked up a bucket of golf balls off the baseball field.  This is forbidden at The Commons.   The Board thanked Abates for donating geraniums that they planted in the park.   

The July meeting will be Tuesday, July 11, 2023 7 pm.  A picnic will be enjoyed by the Board’s food donations.   

John Gromek motioned to encumber 400.00 for field signs.  Linda Palchick seconded.  Vote was taken – Ed Curtis, yes; Frank Formicelli, yes; John Gromek, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Greg Poe, yes; Sarah Sustin, yes.  Motion carried.  John will give Jason listing the signs that are needed.   

Rick Izant motioned for meeting adjournment at 7:55 pm.  Vote was taken – Ed Curtis, yes; Frank Formicelli, yes; John Gromek, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Greg Poe, yes; Sarah Sustin, yes.  Motion carried. 

Respectfully submitted, 

__________________________            _________________________            

Monica Gromek, clerk                                 Greg Poe, President 







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