Regular Meeting – August 15, 2023
Patricia Jasko Pavilion – 14070 Chillicothe Road Novelty 44072
President Greg Poe called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M. Board members present - Ed Curtis,
Rick Izant, Linda Palchick, Greg Poe, Sarah Sustin, Evan Byrum. Jason Abate was also present.
Guests present were 13-15 age coaches of the W.G.B.F. – Chris Domonkos, Scott Gerstenberger,
Luke Brent
The minutes from the July 2023 meeting were presented in the absence of clerk Monica Gromek
via print copies and prior E-mails to members. Rick Izant motioned to accept the minutes. Ed
Curtis seconded. Vote was taken – Ed Curtis, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Linda Palchick,yes; Greg Poe, yes;
Sarah Sustin,yes; Evan Byrum,yes. Motion carried.
The meeting was then opened to both the Board members and the baseball coaches present.
Rick presented our recent discovery that the baseball field was not being maintained and used
for games. Instead the playoff games were played with West G being the home teams, however
being played at their opponent’s fields. Rick Izant and Ed Curtis had a meeting with the President of
The Baseball Federation, Kelly Graham regarding the Board’s concerns. Her concerns were the
condition of the field – weeds on the infield, rocks on the field that could bounce up and hit a
players, field not dragged prior to games, etc. As was explained to the coaches, all parties using
any Commons fields are invited to our March meeting where concerns can be voiced at that
time (she was unable to attend this year due to a family emergency). Historically the Board
always agreed to any major repairs requested and would split the cost of annual prep
that was necessary (dirt, etc). The Federation was responsible to having their maintenance
crew drag and line the field for games. We were not approached this year with any requests
for a contribution toward the annual prep nor for any major repairs (home plate, pitcher’s
mound, etc). The coaches listened to us and said that was different in certain areas from what
they had been given to understand from Kelly. They will approach her again in the hope that
this does not reoccur in the future. The coaches were thanked for their attendance at our
meeting and their discussion with the Board members. It is hoped that this will facilitate a
better relationship within the community.
Treasurer Ed Curtis distributed the August 2023 treasurer’s report. The treasurer’s report
showed: Ending checking balance: $ 20,870.29; Total disbursements: $24,877.38; Savings
account ending balance: $21,791.49; Total deposits: $9.23; Encumbered funds: $400.00:
unencumbered funds: $41,761.78. Sarah Sustin motioned to accept the treasurer’s report;
Ricks Izant seconded. Vote was taken – Ed Curtis, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Linda Palchick, yes;
Greg Poe, yes; Sarah Sustin, yes; Evan Byrum, yes. Motion carried.
Rick Izant motioned to pay the following bills:
Westfield Insurance…………………$3,075.00
Vitale Asphalt…………………………..$10,500.00
ALT Media…………………………..$498.48
21st Century Media………………….$118.35
Sarah Sustin seconded. Vote was taken – Ed Curtis, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Linda Palchick, yes;
Greg Poe, yes; Sarah Sustin, yes; Evan Byrum, yes. Motion carried.
Linda Palchick – Facilities
West Geauga Soccer Club started their fall season on August 13th. She has not heard from Rec.
Council regarding their games. There are 2 requests for use of the pavilion later this month and
1 in September.
Jason Abate – Maintenance
Jason gave the report in the absence of John Gromek. Nets are up, fields are stripped, the path
wash out was taken care of, 75% of the weeds are out and the remainder with be taken care of
this week and the hedges have been cut. Greg Poe will ask his son to write a letter to MRH Paving
regarding the resealing of the basketball court that failed ($2,115.00 paid to them in 2022)
since we have not heard nothing from them yet. Greg will also check regarding the bids that
were received to paint the bathrooms.
Ed Curtis motioned for meeting adjournment; Sarah Sustin seconded. Vote was taken- Ed
Curtis, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Greg Poe, yes; Sarah Sustin, yes. Motion
Respectfully submitted,
____________________ ________________________
Linda Palchick, Secretary Greg Poe, President