Regular Meeting – September 19, 2023

                      Patricia Jasko Pavilion – 14070 Chillicothe Road, Novelty 44072                                     


President Greg Poe called the meeting to order at 7:02 P.M.  Board members present – Evan Byrum, Ed Curtis, Rick Izant, John Gromek, Linda Palchick, Greg Poe, Sarah Sustin.   Jason Abate was also present.  Chris Domonkos present and will be sending his letter to the WG Board of Education to request WGCJRD board member appointment.

The minutes from the August 2023 meeting were presented by clerk Monica Gromek.  John Gromek motioned to accept the minutes.  Rick Izant seconded.  Vote was taken – Evan Byrum, yes; Ed Curtis, yes; Rick Izant, yes; John Gromek, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Greg Poe, yes; Sarah Sustin, yes.  Motion carried.

Treasurer Ed Curtis distributed the September 2023 treasurer’s report.  The treasurer’s report showed:  Ending checking balance: $ 20,253.46; Total disbursements:  $616.83; Savings account ending balance: $21,800.72; Total deposits: $9.23; Encumbered funds: $400.00: unencumbered funds: $41,654.18.  Rick Izant motioned to accept the treasurer’s report; Linda Palchick seconded.  Vote was taken – Evan Byrum, yes; Ed Curtis, yes; Rick Izant, yes; John Gromek, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Greg Poe, yes; Sarah Sustin, yes.  Motion carried.

Rick Izant motioned to pay the following bills:

Vitale Asphalt                 drive patch                                  $ 350.00 

Abate Landscaping           Storm + tree damage; bug tablets       $ 521.12                                      

Monica Gromek                September 2023 minutes                    $ 25.00

Linda Palchick seconded.  Vote was taken – Evan Byrum, yes; Ed Curtis, yes; Rick Izant, yes; John Gromek, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Greg Poe, yes; Sarah Sustin, yes; Motion carried.

The September 19, 2023 Budget Analysis as of 8/31/23 was distributed by treasurer Ed Curtis. Anticipated expenses were listed from September to December 2023.  Included were amounts for 2023 budgeted dollars and 2023 anticipated expenses as of 9/19/23.                  Estimated projected monies left to spend for 2023 is $5,005.

Accept Tax Dollars for 2024:  $89,147.00.  This is certified monies the County is distributing to WGCJRD.  Ed Curtis attended the budget meeting in Chardon. $90,000 to spend in 2024.

Clerk Monica Gromek read the tax year 2023-2024 collection year; Resolution Accepting the Amounts and Rates as Determined by the Budget Commission and authorizing the necessary tax levies and certifying them to the County Auditor.

The Board of Trustees of the West Geauga Joint Recreation District of Geauga County, Ohio me in regular session on the 19th day of September 2023 at the West Geauga Commons with the following members present: Ed Curtis, Evan Byrum, John Gromek, Rick Izant, Greg Poe, Sarah Sustin, and Linda Palchick.                                                                                                                      John Gromek moved the adoption of the following Resolution: RESOLVED By the Board of Trustees of the West Geauga Joint Recreation District Geauga County, Ohio in accordance with the provisions of law has previously adopted a Tax Budget for the next succeeding fiscal year commencing on January 1st, 2024 and                                                                                                                             WHEREAS The Budget Commission of Geauga County, Ohio has certified its action thereon to this Board together with an estimate by the County Auditor for the rate of each tax necessary to be levied by this Board, and what part thereof is without and what part within the ten mill tax limitation: therefore be it                                                                                                                                   RESOLVED By the Board of Trustees of the West Geauga Joint Recreation District of Geauga County, Ohio that the amount and rates as determined by the Budget Commission in its certification, be and the same are hereby accepted and be it further  RESOLVED, That there be and is hereby levied on the tax duplicate of said District, the rate of each tax necessary to be levied within and without the ten mill limitation as follows:                                       SCHEDULE A   SUMMARY OF AMOUNTS REQUIRED FROM GENERAL PROPERTY TAX APPROVED BY                                 BUDGET COMMISSION, AND COUNTY AUDITORS ESTIMATED TAX RATES                                                                           General Fund *** Amount by Budget Commission Outside 10 Mill Limitation $89,147.00 – County Auditors Estimate of Tax Rate to Be Levied Outside 10 Mill Limit  0.20.

      SCHEDULE B   LEVIES OUTSIDE 10 MILL LIMITATION EXCLUSIVE OF DEBT LEVIES. FUND Current Expense; 1988 levy authorized by voters on November 22, 2022; Maximum Rate Authorized to be Levied 0.20; County Auditors Estimate of Yield of Levy (Carry to Schedule A, Column B) $89,189.00 –

And be it further RESOLVED That the Fiscal Officer of this Board be and is hereby directed to certify a copy of the Resolution to the County Auditor of said County.  Mr. Rick Izant seconded the Resolution and the roll being called upon its adoption the vote resulted as follows:  Ed Curtis, yes; John Gromek, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Greg Poe, yes; Sarah Sustin, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Evan Byrum, yes; adopted the 19 day of September 2023.

Linda Palchick – Facilities                                                                                                                   

October 30 all 3 fields are being used.  They will line and bring goals.  Discussion to increase their fee for the field.  Fields will be shut down November 1, 2024 for the year.  There is 1 pavilion request for 2024.

John Gromek and Jason Abate – Maintenance                                                                                   

After many phone calls to MRH paving, the Basketball court was resealed and restriped.  Vitale did a very good job completing the paving of the path around the small soccer field.  He also filled in potholes in the drive for a cost of $350.00.  After last month’s meeting with the Baseball Federation, Rick Izant reported a great cleanup of the baseball field was done and looks so much better.  Weeds were killed, field was dragged 2x, Looks like a baseball field again.  Our board needs to consult the Baseball Federation for future planning.  The Federation needs to be at our annual March meeting to discuss the use of the field. Future board member Chris Domonkos got no where with the Baseball Federation and is requesting a copy of our bylaws.  Sara Sustin also volunteered with the communication with the Baseball Federation. 

Website – no report.  Linda Palchick gave Frank Formicelli needed information to post.  Alt Media needs to put our old information (from 1977 on) on the website.  Rick Izant will work with Frank Formicelli.

Greg Poe began asking for bids to paint the inside of our bathrooms.  Andy Clyde will do the painting at no charge.  The bathrooms were cleaned today.  Drain flies are an issue and Jason will get insecticide to put in the drains. 

Ed Curtis motioned for meeting adjournment at 7:26 pm; Rick Izant seconded.  Vote was taken – Evan Byrum, yes; Ed Curtis, yes; Rick Izant, yes; John Gromek, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Greg Poe, yes; Sarah Sustin, yes;.  Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

____________________                                     ________________________                    

Monica Gromek, clerk                                            Greg Poe, President


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