Regular Meeting – March 19, 2024

West Geauga High School Library – 13401 Chillicothe Rd. Chesterland


President Greg Poe called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Board members present – Evan Byrum, Ed Curtis, Chris Domonkos, John Gromek, Rick Izant, Linda Palchick, Greg Poe and Sara Sustin. Jason Abate was also present.

The minutes from the February 2024 meeting were presented by clerk Monica Gromek. Rick Izant motioned to accept the minutes with a few corrections. Linda Palchick seconded. Vote was taken – Evan Byrum, yes; Ed Curtis, yes; Chris Domonkos, yes; John Gromek, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Greg Poe, yes; Sara Sustin, yes. Motion carried.

Treasurer Ed Curtis distributed the February 2024 treasurer’s report. The treasurer’s report showed: Ending checking balance: $36,865.41; Total disbursements: $290.00; Savings account ending balance: $21,870.21; Total deposits: $8.67; Encumbered funds: $0; Unencumbered funds: $58,235.62. Frank Formicelli motioned to accept the treasurer’s report. John Gromek seconded. Vote was taken – Evan Byrum, yes; Ed Curtis, yes; Chris Domonkos, yes; John Gromek, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Greg Poe, yes; Sara Sustin, yes. Motion carried.

Guests present were Bill Bryan, WG Soccer Club, Tina Heffron, WG Rec Council and Kelly from WG Baseball Federation.

Rick Izant opened discussion with WG Baseball. 2 quotes are needed to refurbish our baseball diamond infield. A complete redo of the infield, new clay, pitchers mound rebuild – to bring everything back to specs, before the season starts. Bids received from Iosue Landscape Concepts and JFD Landscapes. Also, a ‘day of game’ plan must be done. Baseball Federation did in the past; but we (WGCJRD) are ultimately responsible. WG High School has 3 teams. The Boys Team needs a JV location; Evan Byrum said the girls team used Parkside.

Bill Bryan thanked the Board; soccer fields are good. The lower field is ready for use. Newbury has agreed to partially financial support for redoing the old field at the old high school site for 2024 spring; cost 13K. Newbury to contribute 8K. Eventually games will need to be played there: there are approx. 460 children in the Soccer program.

A new group has already registered for the spring: Little Kickers U4-U8/ Rec Council and Soccer Club.

Kelly Graham present from WG Baseball Federation. 2024 Registration is 500 kids; last year 400-420. Some children are on the wait list. Westwood needs to get 3 fields going. Rick explained bids are needed. Extensive work is needed to bring our field back to specs. Baseball Federation has maintained field during the year. Board discussion that day-of-game prep needs to be in place. Responsibility of that needs to go through our Board. Shared responsibility financially is also needed. There is a large collection of water in center field by the woods.

Rick Izant motioned to accept Iosue Landscape Concepts bid. Chris Domonkos seconded. Vote was taken, Motion passed. The Baseball Federation will be asked to contribute their share for seasonal field use. Chris Domonkos stated that last year that the all clay pitcher’s mound at our field was taken out. Rick Izant stated we are committed to return our field to good condition. Greg Poe thanked the Board for this commitment.

Chemicals used to kill weeds on the field; kids can’t have contact with the field then. There were no playoffs last year. 13 games each + practices x 3 teams; field is played on every day of the week. Jason Abate needs a plan for the fall when baseball season is finished as to what needs to be done during that time. Kelly stated that applying salt application on the field can cut down on the weeds in fall before snow.

Rick Izant stated that we need to know the schedules of all the teams for the season. A charge back to the Federation for the cost of day game prep. This has not been done correctly for years. Game day prep done by Brian. We need a quote on lines and drags. Kelly hopes the Federation has funds for that. Rick Izant asked her to get back with us. All scheduled games begin the week of May 20. A meeting with Brian will be scheduled in August for the fall field needs. Baseball Federation will use the storage shed. The lock is broken.


Linda Palchick motioned to approve Abates Maintenance contract for this year $61,300. John Gromek seconded. Vote was taken – Evan Byrum, yes; Ed Curtis, yes; Chris Domonkos, yes; John Gromek, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Greg Poe, yes; Sara Sustin, yes. Motion carried.

Chris Domonkos motioned to pay the following bills: Iosue Landscaping Baseball Field prep $7,000.00 Monica Gromek March minutes $ 40.00 Rick seconded. Vote was taken – Evan Byrum, yes; Ed Curtis, yes; Chris Domonkos, yes; John Gromek, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Greg Poe, yes; Sara Sustin, yes. Motion carried.

Chris Domonkos organized all our bylaws. He will also check if NOPEC has any grants available.

Facilities – Linda Palchick Soccer Club begins their season April 14. Men’s soccer will play on Sunday evenings. There are 2 commitments for our pavilion.

Maintenance – John Gromek and Jason Abate First quote was received from Vitale Paving to pave the trail from the restroom, going west to the other restroom. 550 ft $14,800.00. Board discussion.

Jason Abate reported a giant willow tree fell in the ditch and is blocking water flow. Stump will be ground up. Chris Domonkos motioned to encumber $500.00 for tree and stump removal. Rick Izant seconded. Vote was taken – Evan Byrum, yes; Ed Curtis, yes; Chris Domonkos, yes; John Gromek, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Greg Poe, yes; Sara Sustin, yes. Motion carried.

April Board meeting will be at the high school library. Rick motioned for meeting adjournment at 8:15 pm. Chris Domonkos seconded. Vote was taken – Evan Byrum, yes; Ed Curtis, yes; Chris Domonkos, yes; John Gromek, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Greg Poe, yes; Sara Sustin, yes. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

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Monica Gromek, Clerk                              Greg Poe, President

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