Regular Meeting – April 16, 2024

West Geauga High School Library – 13401 Chillicothe Rd. Chesterland


President Greg Poe called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Board members present –Ed Curtis, Chris Domonkos, Rick Izant, Linda Palchick, and Greg Poe. Jason Abate and John Gromek were as also present.

The minutes from the March 2024 meeting will be mailed to board members by clerk Monica Gromek for their review.  Approval will be at our May 2024 meeting.

Treasurer Ed Curtis distributed the March 2024 treasurer’s report. The treasurer’s report showed:  Ending checking balance: $61,492.85; Total disbursements:  $19,540.00; Savings account ending balance: $21,878.88; Total deposits: $8.67; Encumbered funds: $500.00; Unencumbered funds: $82,871.73. Linda Palchick motioned to accept the treasurer’s report. Rick Izant seconded.

Chris Domonkos motioned to pay the following  bills:                                                                                                                        

Monica Gromek                           April minutes                    $   40.00                                            

Linda Palchick seconded. Vote was taken – Ed Curtis, yes; Chris Domonkos, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Greg Poe, yes; Motion carried.

Facilities – Linda Palchick                                                                                                               

Soccer could not begin their season last weekend – rain.  Linda has heard nothing from Rec Council of their game schedule.  But there was a team on the upper field for a soccer game this evening.  Linda had no permit for this game.

Maintenance – John Gromek and Jason Abate                                                                               

Jason has fertilized and striped all the fields.  There was a team that showed of for flag football practice.  Jason told them the fields are for games only; no practice games.  Jason’s summer crew begins to arrive the 1st of May for the summer.  Rick Izant motioned to encumber $750.00 for path grindings for near the river.  Chris Domonkos seconded. Vote was taken – Ed Curtis, yes; Chris Domonkos, yes; John Gromek, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Greg Poe, yes; Motion carried. Chris Domonkos said that 3 tons of rock was taken out of the finishing baseball field prep today. 

Kelly Graham (Baseball) said Iosue Landscaping will be dragging and lining all the fields at the Commons.  WGBF will give 3K towards the work being done at the baseball field at the Commons.

Ed Curtis suggested our improvement fund is growing and possibly we can continue to pave more of the trail/path.  

Jason Abate sprayed for weeds at the volleyball courts.  Ed Curtis received a call from Russell Twp, that someone called them to complain we were putting pesticides down; which is untrue.  Ed called the woman who complained 2X and there was no answer.   The Board will review/evaluate repairs possibly needed in the parking lot.


A thumbdrive with all updated information was given to Frank Formicelli several months ago.  No website updates have been made yet.  Linda can get the history of the Park info to Chris Domonkos to put on the webpage.  Games are cancelled when our fields are unplayable due to rain.

The proposed slate of officers was presented:  Greg Poe, President; Rick Izant, Vice-President; Ed Curtis, Treasurer; and Linda Palchick, Secretary. 

Greg Poe has been Board reappointed for a 3-yr term effective to April 2027 from Chester Township.

Next meeting is at the Pat Jasko Pavilion at the Park May 21, 2024.                                             

Chris Domonkos motioned for meeting adjournment at 7:41 pm; Ed Curtis seconded.  Vote was taken – Ed Curtis, yes; Chris Domonkos, yes; Rick Izant, yes; Linda Palchick, yes; Greg Poe, yes; Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,

_________________________            _______________________                                    

Monica Gromek, clerk                                 Greg Poe, President



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